Fast Facts:

  • Country: Italy
  • City: Rome
  • Location: Located in the Lazio region, Rome is the capital of Italy.
  • Language: Italian
  • Currency: Euro

For this trip:

  • Month of Travel: October
  • Weather: 19 to 22 deg C
  • What to Wear: You’ll need a light jacket, which you can even remove at noon when it gets a bit warmer. Prepare for chilly mornings and evenings.

Ancient Romans believed that no matter what happened to the world, Rome would go on; hence, they named it the Eternal City. Could the Rome today what they had dreamed of? No longer conquering lands, but still captivating people’s hearts the world over?

Could your heart be won by Rome too? We listed down our favorite sites. See for yourself.


  1. Colosseum

Possibly Rome’s most iconic landmark, the Colosseum was built for gladiator fights, chariot races, official events and other forms of entertainment that even the Roman Emperors would attend. While its façade alone is mesmerizing, we advise that you enter it to truly appreciate the enormity of this ancient arena.


  1. Roman Forum

The Roman Forum is Ancient Rome’s center of public and political life. It used to be made up of temples, markets, government buildings, stores, inns and the Foro, a square where the Romans would gather for meetings, trials and trade.



  1. Pantheon

The mighty Pantheon, the largest unreinforced concrete dome, was built as a temple to all the Roman gods. It was consecrated as a Christian church and is now called the Basilica di Santa Maria ad Martyres. The church became the final resting place of a few Italian kings and the artist, Raphael.



  1. Trevi Fountain

The largest Baroque fountain in the world has been featured in so many films for its beauty and magic. Legend has it that if you throw a coin into the fountain, your wish will come true.



  1. Spanish Steps

The Spanish Steps were designed to bridge the Piazza di Spagna (below) named from the Spanish Embassy nearby; and the Piazza Trinita dei Monti (above), where the French church stands. It was also built to signify the peace between the Spaniards and the French.


  1. Piazza Navona

A convivial social meeting point, Piazza Navona is one of the most popular public squares in Rome.



  1. Piazza Venezia

Piazza Venezia is one of the busiest and most central squares in Rome with several major routes converging here.


We guarantee after seeing all these spots, you won’t need much time to understand why this city until this day (and hopefully eternally), is considered one of the finest in the world.



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